What’s the big deal about home interior design? A question most likely someone has asked themselves or you, or you’ve asked yourself. It’s like asking, what is the big deal about that special gown you wore for your wedding or the business casual you got stitched for that important meeting.
Selecting a dress or a formal shirt follows a whole pattern of choices and is a carefully thought out process. Planning for a big day begins months in advance and often from what you will wear. Whether it is a function or an elaborate affair with the coming together of relatives and friends from everywhere, the color of your outfit and its significance, the occasion and people all matter in your decision. Home interior design styles follow the same path. It isn’t just a random coming together of things but must be a carefully constructed collage of both design and function.
Look around at your home and ask yourself why is something where it is. What were you thinking when you bought that sofa, placed the headboard, positioned the coffee table away diagonally from the rest of the furniture? Was convenience the reason for purchasing a round dining table or affordability? Did the color of the sofa become a deciding factor?
Much of what we do and choose in our home unconsciously or subconsciously comes from a deeper level. The outcome of it probably being joy or satisfaction, an altering of moods and brightening up of days. Home interior design ideas are practical and well thought out. Yet it is also rooted in something deeper. It is therefore important to understand why it is needed and how it adds value to our space. Just like a dress, design makes sense of everything. Below are a few insights on how that happens.
Design Your Dream Home With Personal Aesthetics

Imagine walking into a fancy soiree wearing one of your relative’s clothes. The waist of the dress feels too tight, the hemline cleans the floor, and you tug on hems and ends with discomfort. An ill-fitting dress and one you’re not comfortable with shows and so transparently. It’s the same as walking into a home that is not underpinned by design. Great design is a comfort, a luxury that cannot be underlined by price. Styling your home to suit your sensibilities makes it an extension of yourself. A quaint rocking chair in one corner for reading, a bunch of colourful pillows to support on the sofa, your grandmother’s heirloom rug displayed on the living room wall, your personal aesthetics shine in your space – all make it warm and welcoming.
The Power of Colour in Home Interior Design

Wearing an outfit that showcases your style, your looks and sense of fashion is empowering. Walking into a party looking like a million bucks stems from the quiet confidence you feel because of your outfit. It is the same with home interior design style. The sense of calm that overpowers you walking into a pastel-infused space, bright reds that evoke vibrancy and pinks that uplift mood lends to the overall effect. Colour therapy dates back several centuries. Colour affects energy, wavelengths and promotes visual harmony and peace when walking into a home. From restful and relaxing to stimulating and spirited, watch how a change in colour can transform the way you think and feel. Isn’t that a simple home interior design hack you can use now?
Reflect Your Personality In Home Interiors

The clothes you wear speak something about the person you are; moody or playful, inquisitive or vivacious. Your interests and personality shine through in cool, contemporary clothes or alternately dapper business ones. Match this persona with that of your interiors. Modern home interior design tricks include handmade porcelain mugs picked up from that trip to Spain, blue pottery tableware from Jaipur over which your family spends mealtimes together, Goan seashells and more. Watch how these little hand-picked curios and findings reflect your true personality in your space.
Function Meets Comfort: The Importance of Structure

Structure defines comfort, whether in the clothes you wear or in the space you call your home. It is in the way your clothes fall; their silhouette you carry with confidence and grace. When it comes to some of the best home interior design ideas, function is closely tied into it. The flow and space of your home paves the way to create spaces of positivity and minimizes negative energy. This is also underlined by Vaastu and the science behind it. A home’s ergonomic layout enhances its energy, makes movement easy and free-flowing as well as helps you navigate your way. Ergonomics is also relevant for people across ages who live there – elderly folk who need easy accessibility and navigation with low cabinets and wall frames to children with anti-slip carpeting and other safety features that facilitates free movement.
Customised Home Interiors For Your Personality

Ever bought an outfit from a store mannequin without trying it on and realising how it doesn’t suit your frame? Or wear a loud color and not realising it dwarfs your personality? Interior design for homes work within the same rule. Customising them makes all the difference from something that looks chaotic and out of place to aligned and cohesive. Design is strength, especially in a home where different personalities reside. Well thought out homes echo your needs and requirements, allow for varied layouts and plans. It may be children needing more open spaces for play to a cozy balcony area to watch over your garden. Homes designed for seniors can have low lying rails and soft furnishings. There are so many elements that can be customised to play to your strengths and aesthetics.
Modern home interior design is a big deal, especially in a world where we are spending so much time outside. We’re all desperate to unwind and relax when we do come back home at the end of a tiring day. The ideas and thoughts that we put into it, will reap dividends once we actually live within its confines. The materials, colors, tastes and look are all small parts of a bigger whole. Just like a handsome outfit we select for special occasions, so too are the things that go into a home and its design that comes together making the space vibrant, colourful, smart and so you!
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