These 11 unique kitchen storage ideas for busy Indian households make your single working parent life easier.
A good functional kitchen helps lay the foundation of a practical and efficient space at home. For single working parents, professional life often tends to overlap with their personal life, and they may often find themselves muddling over how to make the most of it. However, there are ways to pull you out of the rut and one of them is designing a kitchen that incorporates all the essentials, is efficient and helps save time. So, here are 11 clever kitchen storage ideas that have time and again been a saviour to busy working parents in Indian homes. Read on for our kitchen storage ideas for single parents.
Prevent Head Bumps With This Bi-Fold Lift-Up Shutter Unit
When in a hurry to head for your early morning shift, you are bound to end up with bumps and bruises time and again. And with kids at home, there’s always the constant stress of keeping your home hazard-free, be it something as menial as an overhead kitchen cabinet. If this is a struggle you have each day, it’s time to make a switch to some clever kitchen storage ideas.
A two-piece shutter that lifts up vertically and folds at the centre, the bi-fold lift-up shutter is designed for those that like their handles within reach. This design makes it simpler to open and close the unit without any overhead bumps or swivelling around.
With regular cabinet doors, you are bound to bump your head when looking for pantry essentials in your overhead cabinets. A bi-fold lift-up shutter unit, like the one in this image, does a fabulous job of avoiding mishaps like these. And not just that, bi-fold lift-up shutters have time and again proven to be a smart design solution for Indian style kitchen interiors.

A Vertical Lift-Up Shutter Unit Acts As An Efficient Safety Measure For Kids
If you are a tall person that needs an efficient space design which is not just easy to use but also simply doesn’t swing out unlike regular cabinet shutters, then a vertical lift-up shutter unit is for you. With the busy lives that we all are toying with, it’s safe to say that an efficient mechanism like this can ease our day by a tiny bit.
A vertical lift-up is like an instant upgrade for your kitchen, is aesthetically pleasing and offers an easy and safe to access unit without you bumping into the shutter’s edge. Perfect for busy households with kids around, the vertical lift-up shutter units are an efficient system to add to your kitchen design.

A Pegasus Unit Is A Smart Kitchen Storage Solution For Working Parents
If a vertical lift-up shutter is for tall people, a pegasus unit is for the shorter ones. If accessing your overhead cabinets is a hassle to you, installing a pegasus unit will save you all the trouble and make it a merry experience for all. What’s even better about these units is that they are kid-friendly, making it easy for your child to pull out a plate or two, a bowl for their cereal and simply be a lending hand in the kitchen, when you are racing against time.
A pegasus unit is a stunning pull-down in-built tray that allows you to access every corner of the unit without struggling to reach any of the ends. A unique kitchen container, pegasus units are a saviour for busy working professionals. And not just that, a pegasus unit is great if you’re holding an infant in one hand and are using the other. The mechanism is user-friendly and easy to work with a single hand as well.

Open Box Units With Shelves Help Working Parents Stay Organised
The most economical and simple yet efficient in design are open box units with shelves. They are considered to be the easiest to use and one of the most useful kitchen storage ideas for single parents. What’s so cool about these open boxes is that you can store frequently used items like spices, condiments, herbs as well as other kitchen essentials like graters, mashers and whisks; making your time in the kitchen with the kids a fun experience altogether.
If you have a growing child who is curious to lend a hand in your kitchen, providing an accessible experience can introduce them to the world of cooking, the right way. Smart solutions can help pave the way for a great kitchen experience for your child and you.

Design Quick Access Storage On Dado Wall With Shelves
If you aren’t a fan of the traditional cabinetry, shelving units and pantry access, then a dado wall with shelves must do the job for you. Not only is it really helpful when you are on a quick morning spree struggling to get things done quickly, but it’s also efficient, offers ample storage to hold your everyday kitchen essentials and is a fine choice for homes with compact kitchens. The quick access storage on the dado walls is a great space-saving addition to your kitchen.
Dado walls were designed for the go-getter parents that love to have their supplies at eye level. If you have a young child who is always in need of attention, a dado wall’s storage can help save you time, make you efficient and orderly in the nick of time.

Make The Most Of Your Kitchen With Hassle-Free Magic Corner Units
Utilising every inch of available space in your kitchen is a dream come true for many single parents. This is exactly where magic corner units come into the picture. These are a great addition to your kitchen if you love to have everything within reach and easy to access. They bring the whole rack out and are attached to the inside of the base cabinet shutters, making it easy for you to see everything you have stored in it.
Walking into a labyrinth of kitchen accidents when your child is around can simply be avoided with these magic corner units. Not only are they aesthetic and functional, but a great safety tool for new parents with young children.
Plus these work seamlessly for years, so a growing child can be a happy cooking partner with smart solutions like a magic corner, ensuring that they don’t end up with head bumps and minor accidents with these cabinets.

Add A Rotation Storage For Serveware With The D Carousel Unit
If you have special occasion serveware that needs a dedicated spot away from the clutter of the kitchen, then this unique kitchen storage cabinet will come in handy. A D-carousel is a rotation carousel in the shape of a disc that can be used to store your special occasion serveware. You can also use it for storing pots and pans, as well as daily serving essentials.
Fragile and brittle cutlery and serveware can be a breeding ground for accidents waiting to happen, especially with curious kids running around the house. We have often heard of kitchen accidents due to emergencies, quick meals, and clumsiness, and boy-oh-boy do we need any of that!? Similar to the systematic interface of a magic corner unit, D-carousel units keep your countertops free from extra utensils, pots and pans that can happily nestle and take space inside the cabinets.

Store Large Utensils Smartly With An S Carousel Unit
As a single working mom or dad, you work hard each day and deserve to be pampered with some of the finest advancements at home, as well. A smart way to do so is to build a smart space-saving storage solution like an S-carousel unit in your modular kitchen.
Just like the D-carousel unit, you can opt for something more sultry and efficient depending on your kitchen’s space needs. This S-carousel unit is super cool and swivels out of the corner space with ease as you open the base cabinet shutter. The S-shape tray allows for efficient use of space and can be used for storing serveware, large pots and pans or extra crockeries that need to be stowed away when not in need.
A D-carousel or an S-carousel unit is a great safety measure, similar to a magic corner, to help you and your child have a fun cooking experience together, store your kitchenware safely and avoid mishaps, in the process.

Design A Clutter-Free Pantry Storage Unit With A Swing Larder
The swing larder neatly stores frequently used breakable oil bottles, sauces, glass bottles or containers. It is great for narrow and small kitchens and is usually built near the hob unit for a hassle-free cooking experience. For someone that’s always on the go, a swing larder can simply be a smart storage solution to stow away your non-perishables, groceries and additional food items.
If you have kids around, a swing larder can help ease your job. It’s a great storage unit within your kitchen space that is integrated seamlessly with the rest of the modular storage and is also a fine choice for working parents that have little to no time to dedicate their time to maintaining the kitchen. A swing larder will allow you your day’s rest whilst ensuring all your pantry essentials are stored within reach.

Save Space By Designing A Kitchen With Hob Unit
Skip the traditional route of kitchen cooktops and upgrade your kitchen with a sleek glass hob unit. These are easiest to maintain, sleek in design and appear clutter-free on your kitchen countertops. As a busy single parent, getting the time to deep clean your traditional kitchen cooktops can be a hassle, but switching it with a hob unit can take the trouble out of kitchen cleaning days.
Electrical hob units can be a fine investment to avoid fire accidents and burns in the kitchen, for both your child and you.

A Janitor Unit Smartly Makes Space For A Dedicated Cleaning Supplies Spot
If you need your mops and brooms out of sight whilst enabling a clutter-free kitchen experience, a janitor unit is key to creating a structural identity for your cleaning supplies and necessities. These janitor units are pull-out tall units equipped with shelves to store your cleaning supplies. They require little to no space, are sleek in design and can be easily installed in modular kitchens of all sizes, shapes and layouts.
As busy working parents, we may sometimes lose track of time when we are distracted by a messy space. A janitor unit allows you to store your cleaning supplies within reach and in a dedicated spot, making it easier for you to know where your things are, minus the trouble!

And with that, we come to an end of our fun and unique kitchen storage ideas for parents. If you are in need of help with remodelling your kitchen or simply want a quick upgrade, feel free to book a consultation with our team of experts at DesignCafe.
And while you are at it, stay inspired with these classic kitchen ideas for your upcoming kitchen remodel project: