7 Study Room Wall Decor Ideas To Inspire And Bring Out The Best In You

by Natasha Unger | July 22, 2021 | [rt_reading_time postfix="mins read" postfix_singular="min read"]

Study room wall decoration ideas for your home

Study room wall decoration is a task that involves creativity in enhancing the aesthetics of the room. Let us help you get the most out of it

Modern homes should have a dedicated space where you can read, write and work on assignments, unlike when the dining table came to the rescue. This helps in focusing on what you do, rather than having to move around the house looking for space.

Undoubtedly, the study room wall design creates an impact on the one sitting there. Even though the table and chair need the spotlight, you can always deck up the walls to complement the set-up. Here are a few ideas that can help you with wall decor that makes your study room picture-perfect.

Use Inspirational Posters For Study Room Wall Design

Believe it or not, inspirational images or quotes have a deep impact on your mind when you are trying to concentrate or trying to achieve something with a goal in mind. This works for adults as well as children. Whether it is just you and your spouse using the study room or sharing the same with the children, try putting up attractive and bright posters. It works as a motivation as well as a perfect and effortless decor for the walls of your study room.

Study room wall art with quotes and scribbles works as a perfect and effortless decor for the walls.
Posters or frames with quotes and scribbles give you that push you need while decorating the walls perfectly
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Use Colours To Spruce Up Your Study Room Wall Design

It is said that colours have the power to liven up your mood and drive you towards your goal. Even though a subtle colour is what most people relate to for a study room, the presence of bright colours can make a difference. For kids, study room wall art and colours can sharpen their focus. You don’t need to paint the walls bright. You can use bright coloured wall shelves, frames or even wall-mounted storage spaces for books. This is engaging for the mind while making the time enjoyable and lively.

Study table wall decorated with colourful wall shelves and wall-mounted storage makes the time enjoyable and lively.
Colourful walls in a study room can make you attentive and are engaging

Displaying Educational Content For Study Room Wall Design

Experts feel that children learn better when they see rather than listen. When you plan to pick a wall design for your study room, explanatory content as alphabets, pictures of fruits, animals, etc. allow them to learn things quicker. The same goes for adults as well. If you are into a particular profession where visuals make a lot of difference, putting them up allows you to grasp concepts better. It stays etched in your mind for long. Serving the purpose of educating you as well as decorating the walls, you can beautify them by adding attractive frames.

Study wall decor idea, a wall decorated with alphabet chart educates as well as adds aesthetic.
A wall decor that educates as well as adds to the aesthetics gets to be the perfect fit

Study Room Wall Design Using Wall-Mounted Shelves

If your study room is where you store your books and other reading material, utilise the walls and put up small shelves. Arrange books, notebooks and other essentials neatly. It allows easy access as well as contributes to the aesthetics of the room. You can paint the shelves bright while making them the attraction of the room. If you do not like open shelves, cover them up like cabinets. Either way, they save up on floor space. This is even more effective when you look out for wall decor ideas for the study room as you have a small room compared to the other rooms in the house. The area looks neat without much clutter on the floor.

Study room wall decorating idea, Wall-mounted open shelves act as storage and lend a chic look to space.
A neatly arranged wall storage space contributes to the wall decor brilliantly

A Scribbling Space To Use As Study Room Wall Design

Children have this cohesive interest in scribbling on the walls, often making it a nightmare for parents. If he/she is a scribbler, dedicate a wall for the caricature. It could be the wish to create a drawing, wanting to write down something they have memorised or simply wanting to scribble when bored. Believe it or not, the wall will turn into decor a few years later where you will have happy memories attached to the antics your child was up to. Since your little one won’t be able to reach high up the wall, you can consider putting up little frames of their creation that add to decor perfectly. Paint the walls with washable paint or put up a board for them to scribble on.

Wall decor idea for study room, hanging kids drawing on the wall adds to decor ideally.
Even though a scribble looks messy, it defines the study room perfectly
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Study Room Wall Design Using A Bulletin Board

If you are someone who needs constant reminders about your work or has busy schedules every day, this gets to be the perfect thing for your study room. Putting up a bulletin board on the wall that fully or partially covers it adds to the decor. Here you get to pin post-it notes, reminders or something that you expect your child to take care of. Instead of a blackboard, you have something that makes things smooth yet less messy. The size of the board then depends on what you plan to pin up. Sometimes, pinning up inspirational quotes and images also infuses life into the study room wall.

Study wall decorated with a bulletin board adds to the decor and can pin inspirational quotes and images.
It could be a small or a big bulletin board, either way, it adds to the wall decor with minimal effort

Study Room Wall Design With A Wall Library

Instead of stuffing the study room with cupboards or furniture, store and display your books by setting up a wall library. This helps you cover up the wall, add to the decor and get ample space to keep study essentials. You could paint the shelves in a colour that is attractive or simply match it to the wall colour. It also depends on your choice to keep the shelves open or put up glass doors to keep the books safe.

Study room wall decoration with a wall library adds to the decor and helps to keep study essentials.
A wall library can never go wrong when you have a great assortment of books and journals all stored in your study room

Your study room is where you want to cut off from the rest of the world and concentrate. While doing so, why not decorate it well that not just engages you as well as uplifts the aesthetics?

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Natasha Unger

Natasha Unger is a content writer by profession with an experience of over 8 years. She has explored multiple industries such as that of animation, real estate, tourism to finally settle for Writing. Her love for books guides her as she comes up with unique content each time.

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