How To Choose A Balcony Grill Design
Isn’t it just wonderful to sit out in your balcony and sip a hot cup of coffee or read your favourite book? Imagine watching the raindrop fall elegantly from the sky and hit the ground. When it’s a hot summer day, you can have a barque grill set up in your balcony and enjoy a chilled beer with a group of friends. A glass grill for a balcony is classic and looks chic. We at Design Cafe have come up with a new guide all on balcony grill designs and layouts. Take a quick read through this latest guide to know your balcony better.

A Grill Made From Glass
This balcony comes with a transparent glass grill. It has been constructed with frosty white marble flooring. This balcony is spacious enough to accommodate a set of bamboo furniture and has a corner with different sized pots and vases with lush green plants. This balcony is perfect for those of you who are looking for a nice cosy space to relax after a long day’s work. This balcony has a stone-clad wall in dark grey which stands out as a feature wall. It also has easy access with a sliding door.

A Balcony With A Clear Glass Grill
This balcony with clear glass grill is as classy as classy can get. Artificial turf gives a natural green layer to this balcony. This balcony has a glass grill that is a huge pro to those of you who like to go for a transparent and glassy look. This balcony is constructed in a way to accommodate outdoor furniture. This balcony comes with a ceiling fan that is useful if you want to chill out on your balcony on a hot summer day. This balcony comes with a set of decorative drop lights made with a ceramic white finish. A red brick wall has been incorporated that is ideal for those of you who like rustic, earthy touch.

A Balcony Grill In Iron For Small Apartments
If you live in an apartment, you will know the joy of having a balcony grill. A balcony is a perfect place to chill out if you don’t want to step outside. This apartment’s balcony is an extension of your home where you can reenergize yourself with a place of your own and within your four walls. This balcony has room for a sofa swing that is excellent if you like to snuggle up watch outside and read. This balcony is constructed with a grill painted in black that contrasts well with the white-walled apartment.

A Ground Floor Balcony
Who said balconies were just meant for double story houses and apartments? We at Design Cafe, believe that even a ground floor house has as much as right as an apartment or double story house to have a balcony. This balcony glass and metal framed grill is for those of you who like to go with a modern touch to your home. This house has a balcony constructed with vitrified tiled flooring which brings out an earthy rocky look. It is perfect to have a quick coffee and catch up with your friends. This balcony comes with a three-set sofa made from light cane and cushion. This balcony has a glass coffee table on which you can keep your snacks and beverages too.

An Aluminium Balcony Grill
This aluminium balcony grill is perfect if you want to lay back on glass or metal grills. This balcony is part of a two-storey house and is big enough to fit a dining table, chairs and other outdoor furniture. In this balcony, you can enjoy your favourite meals at a slightly high altitude amidst the skies. Want chit chat with your friends and grab some booze? Then this balcony is the one for you. The balcony has terracotta tiles which bring in a light brown tinge into the balcony atmosphere.

This is what we at Designs Cafe think about balcony grill designs and layouts. We hope you enjoyed this read. Let us know what you think! Send us an email. Can’t wait to hear from you!