A List Of Low Maintenance Finishes For Your Home
Have you often found the surfaces of your cabinet doors peeling off looking dull or peppered with stains and scratches? Well this is a common sight in many homes. Materials and types of finishes used in home interiors are key to the overall look but also durability.
When you design a home with modular interiors, you need to keep in mind not only the look and functionality of your furniture but also long–term durability. This means you need furniture built with easy-to-clean types of finishes so that maintenance is not a chore in the long run. This especially so if your lifestyle is hectic and you work long hours. The last thing you need is extra tasks at home! From spills and stains to scuffs and scratches- some types of finishes weather these damages better than others. Hence choosing the right finishing materials as per the space being designed is critical. Let us look at the benefits of low–maintenance finishes first.
Benefits of Low Maintenance Finishes
- Modular Furniture Lasts Longer.
- Gives You A Chore-Free Home.
- Makes Cleaning Easy and Quick.
- Helps You Enjoy Reduction In Upkeep.
- Tough And Durable.
- Your Home Looks Brand New All The Time.
Now let us look at some of these low-maintenance types of finishes and how to look after them. Here is our pick among types of floor finishes and types of wall finishes. This guide will help you choose the right one depending on your lifestyle and requirements. It also gives you insights into the varying characteristics of types of finishes. You can also choose different types of finishes for rooms of your home. You do not need to choose the same finish for your kids bedroom as you choose for the kitchen.
The most pocket friendly of all the types of finishes. Laminates are available in many varieties such as high gloss, suede and textured finishes. They are prone to scratches and stains easily but are easy to repair. Glossy laminates stain easily and it’s advisable to clean them immediately. Laminates are the preferred choice of finishes for kids bedrooms and play areas, wardrobes and kitchens.
Also, check out Wardrobe Laminate Design Ideas
Lacquered or ceramic glass from industry-leading manufacturers like St.Gobain are easy to clean, stain-resistant and ideal for a nuclear family. They are best used in kitchens, dining areas and on wardrobe shutters. Also, they have a lovely sheen that lends a luxe look to spaces. Though a tad more expensive than laminates they are the easiest to maintain and clean.
Made of synthetic polymer, acrylic finishes are stain-resistant. All you need to clean this finish is a wet cloth. The only drawback is that they are prone to scratches. Commonly used in kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms and shutters. Not a bad option though.
A type of paint that is applied in multiple coats to achieve a matte or glossy finish. Duco is expensive and durable. It can’t be cleaned with surface cleaners or with anything it may react with. All you need is a wet cloth to keep it clean. Duco is often used in kitchens, crockery units, and bar units. The glossiness of this finish however is less than high gloss laminates, lacquer or acrylic.
Made of real natural wood, veneers are thin sheets of real wood that’s glued on to shutters. Veneers are treated with a coat of varnish to bring out the wood grain and give it a nice sheen. This finish is not stain resistant and needs to be cleaned with a moist cloth that is not too wet. Veneers shouldn’t be cleaned with cleaners that may react with the varnish coat. The best part is that they can be restored to look as good as new even after many years.
And there, low maintenance types of finishes to make living simple and easy. If you are a working type or live in a large family, furniture that is easy to clean is a boon. Make your home maintenance free with these finishes so that you benefit in the long run. So come on, get cracking with your new home design project!
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